Withdrawals of Principal from Trust Count as Income for Purposes of TN Child Support
- At March 08, 2017
- By Miles Mason
- In Income Determination
Tennessee child support case summary on income determination with trust income and underemployment. Lee Stack, III, v. Joann Valerie Stack The mother and father in this case were divorced in Montana in 2012, and had one son who had been born in 2011. The Montana court named the mother as the primary residential parent, and […]
Read More»Mom Gets New Day In Court After 400 Day Sentence for Non-Support
Tennessee child support collection case summary in family law. Lisa E. Burris v. James Morton Burris The mother and father in this Rutherford County, Tennessee, case were divorced in 2008. The father was named the primary residential parent of the three children, and the mother was granted parenting time every other weekend. The mother was […]
Read More»Dad Not Liable for Attorney’s Fees in Criminal Contempt Case
Tennessee child support case summary on enforcement and attorney’s fees. Joyce Bradley Watts v. Colin Wade Watts The mother and father in this Tennessee case were divorced in 2009, and the mother was named the primary residential parent of their minor children. The father was ordered to pay $629 per month in child support, as […]
Read More»Dad’s Support Based on Prior Income After Taking Lower Paying Job
- At January 23, 2017
- By Miles Mason
- In Income Determination
Tennessee child support case summary on income determination. John Michael Thayer v. Jennifer Lynn Thayer The mother and father in this Tennessee case had one child and were divorced in 2010. The daughter was diagnosed with autism and attended the Brown Center for Autism. The original parenting plan named the mother as primary residential parent, […]
Read More»Mom’s Child Support Based on Actual Wages, Not Prior Earnings
- At January 18, 2017
- By Miles Mason
- In Income Determination
Tennessee child support case summary on income determination. Megan E. Smith v. Justin L. Smith The mother and father in this Tennessee case had one child at the time of their 2011 divorce, and the trial court set the mother’s child support obligation at $45 per month. In 2013, the trial court raised this to […]
Read More»Stay at Home TN Mom’s Child Support Based on Imputed Income
Tennessee child support case summary on imputing income to a stay at home mom. Jennifer Rebecca Creswell Henegar v. Jason Adam Henegar The husband and wife in this Tennessee divorce case were married in 2007 and had a son in 2007. They separated in 2013, but both continued to live with the son in the […]
Read More»No Jurisdiction When Underlying Divorce Case Not Properly Served
Tennessee child support case summary on service of process and subject matter jurisdiction in divorce. State of Tennessee ex rel. Barbara E. Catalano v. William R. Woodcock In 2001, the mother in this Tennessee child support case obtained a default divorce in Rutherford County, Tennessee. The issue of child support for the parties’ 17 year […]
Read More»Tennessee child support modification case summary
Tennessee child support modification case summary. Tonya Halleen Blackwell v. Christopher S. Blackwell The mother and father in this Montgomery County, Tennessee, case were divorced in 2013 and were the parents of two minor children, who were nine and thirteen years old at the time. The parties reached agreement as to a parenting plan, and […]
Read More»TN Dad’s Income Not Imputed Amount from Earlier Appeal
Tennessee child support case summary on income determination in divorce and family law. Gretchen Michele Benedict v. Donald Lester Benedict, Jr. The husband and wife in this Tennessee case were divorced in 2000 and had two children. The trial court ordered the father to pay child support of $3,200 per month and the father brought an […]
Read More»TN Mom Entitled to Attorney’s Fees in Child Support Case
Tennessee child support case summary on attorney’s fees. In re Jasmine G. The child in this Tennessee child support case was born in 2005. The parents initially resided together, but separated shortly after the birth. In 2006, the juvenile court ordered the father to pay $402 per month in child support, with an arrearage of […]
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