Long-Distance Tennessee Parenting Plans: A Roadmap for Relocation

Smart Travel Plans for Parents’ Long Distance Visitation – Part 1

Tennessee Long-Distance Parenting Plans: Smart Travel

Tennessee Long-Distance Parenting Plans: Smart Travel

If you are the primary residential parent in Tennessee and the other parent is in another state, creating a permanent parenting plan that focuses on long-distance issues is crucial. Likewise, if you are not the primary residential parent, you will want a permanent parenting plan that takes the distance into consideration. The best way to achieve this is through compromise. Whether you agree with your soon-to-be ex-spouse or whether the court has directed who will be the primary residential spouse, compromise in the parenting plan will go a long way towards helping both parents achieve what is best for the children and for themselves. It also will take into account some variables, such as the distance, the type of travel involved, each parent’s job schedule, the children’s special needs, and their education and activities.

While either parent can be the primary residential parent, for the sake of clarity it will be presumed that the primary residential parent is the mother and that the non-primary residential parent is the father. They will be referred to as the “primary parent” or mom, and the “non-primary parent” or dad. Of course, neither parent has the upper hand in becoming the primary residential parent in Tennessee.

There is no substitute for proper planning. Your family lawyer will likely advise you to prepare for all types of situations which could arise in long-distance parenting. While no discussion of long-distance parenting will cover all scenarios, this overview will delve into many different scenarios and how to address them before they happen. That is the purpose of the parenting plan — to try to use “preventive maintenance” before the situation gets out of control.

Tennessee is not liberal with its relocation of parents and children, provided the primary parent is not moving away for vindictive reasons. The primary parent must notify the other parent of the intended move if the move is outside the state or is more than one-hundred miles within the state. The primary parent must give at least sixty days’ notice before relocating.

If you are the non-primary parent and wish to challenge the move, you may file a petition with the court objecting to the relocation or even seeking to change who is designated as the primary parent. The petition must be filed within thirty days of notice by the relocating parent. You should consult your family lawyer so that your challenge is done properly.

Click here to view our detailed video explaining Tennessee Parent Relocation Law.

Additional Parts of Tennessee Long-Distance Parenting Plans: A Roadmap for Relocation:

  1. Smart Travel Plans for Parents’ Long Distance Visitation
  2. Resolving Children’s Travel Issues Before They Become Problematic
  3. Figuring out How Much Parenting Time is Feasible for Your Family
  4. Make-Up Parenting Time and Flexibility
  5. Denial of Parenting Time and an “Override Option”
  6. Including Time of Day for Travel and What to do in the Event of a Delay
  7. Scheduling Conflicts, Communication with Children and Special Needs


References, Resources and More:


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