Divorce Coaching in Memphis, Tennessee

Attorneys & Mental Health Professionals Working Together to Help Persons Going Through Difficult Times in Memphis, Tennessee Divorces

In Memphis, Tennessee divorce and family law, “Divorce Coaching” is a relatively new concept. Divorce Coaching can mean different things to different people. As described most often, Divorce Coaching is a process in which a coach assists a person going through divorce with setting goals and help that person have a successful life transition. Divorce Coaching, in most situations, does not include therapy. Persons going through divorce should consider it much closer to “life coaching” or “executive coaching” than therapy.  The goal is to begin divorce recovery as soon as possible.

Since this presentation, divorce coaching has taken off.  See Twitter to research many divorce coaches “tweeting” about divorce recovery and consultation.  But, any person suffering from depression can benefit from meeting with a competent mental health professional whether or not it is called “divorce coaching” or good old fashioned divorce and family counseling.

In 2006, Crone & Mason, PLC (the predecessor firm for the Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC), sponsored a Memphis Area Psychological Association (MAPA) meeting and Miles Mason, Sr. gave the following presentation on Divorce Coaching.  The video below is the first of three videos capturing the presentation. Three videos are below. To learn more, visit our Memphis Tennessee Divorce Counselors & Therapists Directory.

Tennesse Divorce Coaching Presentation – Part 1:

Tennessee Divorce Coaching Presentation – Part 2:

Tennessee Divorce Coaching Presentation – Part 3:

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