Make-Up Parenting Time and Flexibility in Tennessee Parenting Plans

Make-Up Parenting Time and Flexibility in Tennessee Parenting Plans – Part 4

Making up parenting time & flexibility is important

Making up parenting time & flexibility is important

Make-up parenting time is often an issue. What happens if the children get sick and can’t go on a scheduled trip to dad’s? Does dad lose out or is there make-up time during the next holiday or recess which would ordinarily be mom’s? For a healthier relationship post-divorce, it helps to be flexible and to compromise. Make-up time is up to you, the parents, and it shouldn’t be abused, but some make-up time may be a good idea depending on circumstances. For example, if dad misses his scheduled winter vacation (usually along with President’s Day), dad might have Easter vacation which he would not ordinarily get. Thereafter, the schedule goes back to the way it was. It wasn’t dad’s fault the children were sick. It’s important to keep in mind that children need both parents, and unless someone is an abusive parent or the children are actually in danger, it might be a good idea to allow for some make-up time to the parent who lost the time.

If it isn’t possible to make up the time during the next recess or holiday, then perhaps some time can be made up during the summer. This approach requires not only flexibility and compromise — it requires creativity so that the make-up time is not lost, even if it’s taken later in the year. If make-up time will be during the summer, each parent should be required to notify the other as soon as possible so that the parent who does not have the children during that week can schedule a vacation should he so desire. Keep in mind, however, that make-up time is often a source of problems; if you both don’t agree to it, you can be spending a lot of time in court over this very issue. Nip it in the bud and try to put language about make-up time in your parenting plan.

Always bear in mind that long-distance parenting comes with its own set of problems. The unknown is how flexible you or your former spouse is going to be after being divorced. While it’s generally a good idea to specify how much advance notice is needed for unscheduled parenting time, this issue is not always built into the parenting plan. If it’s not included, you will have to work this out with your ex-spouse. Keep in mind that if you give him sufficient notice, there is a chance he will do the same for you. For example, some parents want to know by April about the weeks which will be designated as parenting time during the summer. A parenting plan can specify that notification must be made by a date certain in April or May or any other month. This advises everyone that notification of parenting time is expected by that date.

Additional Parts of Tennessee Long-Distance Parenting Plans: A Roadmap for Relocation:

  1. Smart Travel Plans for Parents’ Long Distance Visitation
  2. Resolving Children’s Travel Issues Before They Become Problematic
  3. Figuring out How Much Parenting Time is Feasible for Your Family
  4. Make-Up Parenting Time and Flexibility
  5. Denial of Parenting Time and an “Override Option”
  6. Including Time of Day for Travel and What to do in the Event of a Delay
  7. Scheduling Conflicts, Communication with Children and Special Needs
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