Unemployed Dad Imputed Income Over $400K For Child Support
- At January 27, 2020
- By Miles Mason
- In Income Determination
Massachussetts child support case summary on income determination. Theodore W. Macri, Jr., v. Sheila Mary Macri The husband and wife in this Massachusetts case were married in 1998 and originally lived in New York. The husband’s employer promoted him to a position in Singapore in 2000, and then to Hong Kong until 2011, at which […]
Read More»Dad Stuck With Marital Debt and Support After Short Marriage
Tennessee case summary on property division, custody, child support in divorce. Sara Kelley Poole v. Ronald Ellis Kinslow The husband and wife in this case had been married for less than four years when the wife filed for divorce in Wilson County, Tennessee. It had been the wife’s first marriage and the husband’s fourth, and […]
Read More»Dentist to Pay $3.2K/Mo. Child Supprt + 65% Private School Tuition
Tennessee child support modification case summary. Andrea (Messer) Schwager v. Timothy Scott Messer The mother and father in this Shelby County, Tennessee, case were both dentists. They entered into a marital dissolution agreement in 2009, and this was adopted by the court. The father was responsible for a larger portion of the marital debt, and […]
Read More»AK Cop Arrested on Fed. Charges Gets Child Support Hearing
Alaska child support case summary on income determination. Father v. Mother: Alaska appellate decision The mother and father in this Alaska case were married in 2004 and had two children, born in 2006 and 2010. They were divorced in 2016 after reaching an agreement calling for shared legal custody and alternating weeks of physical custody. […]
Read More»Horse Related Expenses Can Be Extracurricular Activities
- At August 28, 2019
- By Miles Mason
- In Child Support
Illinois child support case summary. In re Marriage of Donald R. Hamilton, Jr., v. Mary L. Hamilton The mother and father in this Monroe County, Illinois, case were married in 1998. The mother had one son from a previous marriage, and two children were born during the marriage. Only one of the children, a daughter, […]
Read More»Custody Jurisdiction for Family Who Moved Often
- At August 20, 2019
- By Miles Mason
- In Child Custody, Child Support
Tennessee child custody case summary on jurisdiction. Samat Mitra v. Suneetha Irigreddy The mother and father in this Shelby County, Tennessee, case were married in India in 2002. They later moved to North Carolina on the father’s work visa, and they had a child who was born in 2007. They traveled to India in 2008 […]
Read More»Mom Cannot Relocate to Ohio w/ Kids After Expert Testimony
Tennessee child custody case summary on relocation and child support income determination. Christopher Conrad Fichtel v. Jill Crowell Fichtel (Zirwas) The mother and father in this Davidson County, Tennessee, were the parents of two children born in 2005 and 2007, and they were divorced in 2010. Under the permanent parenting plan, the mother was named […]
Read More»Child Support Income Based on Most Recent Actual Income
Tennessee child custody and support modification case summary on income determination. Todd Scot v. Erin Dawn Scot The mother and father in this Williamson County, Tennessee, case were divorced in 2013. The mother was named the primary residential parent of the couple’s two children, and she was awarded 265 days per year of parenting time. […]
Read More»Mom Not Liable for Past Due Child Support Due to Conflict
Tennessee child support modification case summary. Julie Marie Alexander v. Sean Stephen Alexander The parents in this Sumner County, Tennessee, case were married in 2005 and had two children before their 2010 divorce. They reached a marital dissolution agreement which provided that neither party would pay child support. However, when the trial court approved the […]
Read More»Father’s Obligation to Pay Tuition Must Take Scholarships into Account
Tennessee child custody case summary on children’s college expenses after divorce. Christy Keller Elrod Church v. Darrell Gene Elrod The husband and wife in this Williamson County, Tennessee, case entered into an agreed order of legal separation 2002. Among other things, it called for the father to pay child support in the amount of $3003 […]
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