Parental Alienation: Using Children Against You in a Tennessee Divorce
Parental alienation: using children against you in a Tennessee divorce.
Sadly, many children are used as pawns during their parents’ divorce. Many children, especially younger ones, are already devastated by their parents splitting up.
Add brainwashing and mind games to the mix, and you have children who are emotionally maladjusted. Instead of focusing on the needs of their children, many ex-wives use their children against their father as a sort of revenge. Men may have little recourse other than contacting a Memphis divorce attorney for help.
Many ex-wives brainwash their children against their father. They may tell their children negative and hurtful things about their father. They even go as far as accuse their father of abuse. A mature parent will deal with their ex on their own terms without involving the children.
Some ex-wives will do whatever they can to keep the children away from their fathers. They may deny him visitation rights or drop the children off later than the court-appointed time. Some may even go as far as taking the children out of state. This approach often backfires because it is considered kidnapping, which is illegal.
To learn more, see Memphis, Tennessee Fathers’ Rights.