The Exchange Club Is Breaking the Cycle of Abuse in Memphis
- At May 13, 2013
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Domestic Violence, Mediation
The Exchange Club Family Center in Memphis, TN, is helping children, adults, parents, and families heal by working to break the cycle of domestic violence and abuse.
Memphis Area Programs at The Exchange Club Family Center
At The Exchange Club Family Center in Memphis, TN, the emphasis is on restoring healthy family relationships by addressing domestic violence and abuse issues one family, one adult, and one child at a time.
With every abusive relationship there may be an adult victim or a child victim, or both. All too often, the abuser was (or is) also a victim. The cycle of violence that undermines families is one that The Exchange Club works diligently to stop.
The Exchange Club in Memphis opened its doors to struggling families back in 1984. True to its mission, it has expanded its operations and counseling services to help more people in the community.
Offering 23 Vital Programs to Families in Distress
The Exchange Club has expanded significantly since its humble beginnings and now offers 23 vital programs from anger management for adults to play therapy for young children. All of these programs are designed to help families understand the sources and consequences of family violence and to break free of the abuse cycle.
The Exchange Club also offers programs designed specifically for those adults and children dealing with divorce and separation, including the following:
►Family Mediation Services
Mediation is a useful dispute resolution alternative to litigating in court. A neutral facilitator, the mediator, helps the participants settle divorce issues so that child custody, visitation, property settlement, child support, and alimony may be decided by the parties themselves instead of by a judge.
For legal information about the role of mediation in divorce, visit:
Divorce Mediation in Tennessee | Answers to FAQs
This program is directed at the children of divorce who need group counseling. In group therapy, children are given opportunities to vent and express their feelings about their parents’ divorce. The program is aptly named! Many children really are on an emotional roller coaster when their parents break up.
This four-hour seminar is for divorcing parents. In this class, they learn about the many ways a divorce can emotionally and developmentally effect their children.
The parenting-through-divorce class is a required program for any divorcing Tennessee couple and a certificate of completion must be filed with the court. If you need more information about mandatory parenting-through-divorce classes, then visit:
Tennessee Child Custody Laws in Divorce | Memphis Divorce Attorney
►Safe Exchange
Another program for parents who divorce or separate deals with the nuances of parenting time exchanges. Children need to be transferred safely from one parent to the other. How parents react to each other during these exchanges typically influences their children who observe them.
► Supervised Therapeutic Visitation
When supervised visitation is ordered in the child custody case, the child must be protected. Under the supervision of a qualified counselor, therapeutic visitation is structured so that the child is kept safe during visitation with the non-custodial parent. The counselor observes the parent-child interaction, provides the emotional support and security the child needs while guiding the parent, helping them repair and strengthen their relationship.
Some additional programs offered at The Exchange Club Family Center include:
► First S.T.E.P.S. (Skills to Ensure Parenting Success)
For teen mothers at risk of abuse or at risk of becoming neglectful of their children, this in-home intervention program offers a hands-on education in good parenting skills.
► Team Up
Through The Exchange Club, individuals can volunteer to mentor a child with the Memphis Grizzlies Charitable Foundation. The Grizzlies proudly assist children through one-on-one mentoring, group mentoring, and team mentoring.
When families are troubled by domestic violence, financial problems can heighten tensions and make home life unbearable. The Exchange Club connects individuals to financial benefits for affordable housing, child care, health care services, and additional community resources.
There is always help available for Memphis families dealing with domestic violence and family abuse issues. For the current program schedule, visit The Exchange Club Family Center Programs today.
See also the :
Memphis Divorce Lawyer
The Miles Mason Family Law Group handles Tennessee divorce, child support, alimony, child custody, and parent relocation. Download our free e-Book, Your First Steps: 7 Steps Planning Your Tennessee Divorce. A Memphis divorce lawyer from the Miles Mason Family Law Group can help. To schedule your confidential consultation, call us today at (901) 683-1850.