Top 5 Things to Ask Your (Potential) Divorce Lawyer
- At October 19, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce Tips
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Guest Blog by Randall M. Kessler, Esq. Atlanta divorce attorney. No one gets married planning to get a divorce. So when it happens, at least one side, if not both, are usually unprepared. And things can happen quickly. So how do you move quickly, but still make the right decision about which lawyer to choose? That is […]
Read More»5 Things Family Lawyers Should Know About Drug Testing
- At October 03, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Family Law
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Drug tests, testing, hair, urine, blood, saliva, length of time in system, positive, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, Ecstasy (MDMA), hydrocodone, hydromorphone, marijuana, methadone, methamphetamines, opiates, PCP, oxycodone. See also our video series with Kelly Dobbins on drug and alcohol testing. Story for the August 2016 Memphis Lawyer, publication of the Memphis Bar Association. Citation: 33 […]
Read More»Irreconcilable Differences Divorce in Tennessee
- At August 27, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce
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How times have changed in Tennessee divorce law. Think back. Way back. Irreconcilable Differences, the movie, was released in 1984 with child star Drew Barrymore as the fictional 10-year-old “Casey” who sues her parents for divorce. Although lacking any basis in the law of divorce in Tennessee or elsewhere, the movie was a box office […]
Read More»At Fault Divorce in Tennessee
- At July 30, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Alimony, Divorce
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What does it mean to file an at fault divorce in Tennessee? To some people, the very fact that their marriage is on the rocks may be proof enough that someone was at fault. But Tennessee at fault divorce is not interpreted quite so broadly as to include unhappiness without some additional legal basis. There […]
Read More»Finding the Best Divorce Lawyer in Memphis
- At June 30, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Attorney's Fees, Divorce
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Are you preparing to find the best divorce lawyer for you in Memphis, Tennessee? Whether petitioning for divorce or expecting to be served with papers by your spouse, you need the best divorce lawyer you can find. Divorce changes everything. Never settle for the first lawyer you contact. Instead, choose the lawyer you believe is […]
Read More»Dating While Separated
- At May 26, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Divorce Process
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Can you date while legally separated in TN? Tennessee divorce has consequences. Dating while separated has consequences, too, almost all of which are foreseeable and damaging to the dating spouse’s case. For more information regarding what is a “true legal separation,” see Legal Separation vs. Divorce in Tennessee. First, dating while separated may be considered adultery […]
Read More»Tennessee Divorce Advice
- At April 30, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Divorce Tips
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In need of some free Tennessee divorce advice? Whenever questions arise about divorce in Tennessee, know where to get accurate information in a practical form that can be digested easily and quickly. Truthfully, most divorce clients start out with only a modest understanding of what is involved in obtaining a divorce. There is a learning […]
Read More»My Spouse Accused Me of Cheating, But I Didn’t
- At February 26, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Marriage
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Can Divorce Be Caused By False Accusations of Adultery? Have you been wrongly accused of cheating on your spouse? Is trust lacking in your Tennessee marriage? Is talk of divorce creeping into the mix? When a husband repeatedly demands to know who his wife is cheating with and then calls her a “liar” if she […]
Read More»5 Things To Do Before You Even Think About Getting a Tennessee Divorce
- At January 29, 2015
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Pre-divorce Planning
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There are five things you really must do, or at least attempt to do, before you even think about ending your marriage in Tennessee divorce. Some non-experts argue that the first to file the divorce wins; that being the first to strike is necessary to gain strategic advantage. Not so. More accurately, the Tennessee spouse […]
Read More»Best Ted Talks on Divorce and Recovery
Best Ted Talks on Divorce and Recovery We love TED Talks. TED – Technology, Entertainment, Design – is a global set of conferences run by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading.” The presentations are smart, thought provoking, and inspiring. Here are ten (10) my favorite Ted Talks on the topics […]
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