What Is Legal Separation in Memphis, Tennessee?
- At January 13, 2014
- By Miles Mason
- In Family Law, Legal Separation
For at least a few Memphis, Tennessee husbands and wives, living together may not be a positive experience. When sharing the same household keeps hostilities on open display 24/7, then continued cohabitation could be detrimental for the whole family. Those couples need options, one of which is divorce. Another option is legal separation. What exactly […]
Read More»TN Wife of 8 Yrs w/ MS Seeks Legal Separation + Alimony
Tennessee alimony law case summary following 8 years of marriage. Tennessee legal separation, divorce, and family law from the Tennessee Court of Appeals. Janet Charlene Hooberry v Ronald Scott Hooberry – Tennessee Alimony Law + Legal Separation Law Janet Hooberry, Wife, filed a complaint for legal separation/divorce after 8 1/5 years of marriage. The Wife alleged […]
Read More»Common Legal Separation Myths in Tennessee
- At July 02, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Legal Separation
If you are contemplating divorce, it may seem to make sense to first go through a legal separation. However, there can be pros and cons to this, which a Memphis divorce lawyer can explain. One of the common myths that individuals have about legal separation is that it’s necessary before you proceed with a divorce. […]
Read More»Divorce vs. Legal Separation in Tennessee
- At May 29, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Legal Separation
What are the differences between Tennessee legal separation and Tennessee divorce? A divorce is the dissolution of a state-recognized marriage; it effectively ends the marriage and divvies up any of the couple’s assets, properties, and finances. A legal separation is a court-ordered separation period; the couple’s marriage contract remains intact; however, the two spouses live […]
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