Collierville Spouses Least Faithful | WMC-TV News Story

Only July 22, 2014, Memphis divorce attorney Miles Mason, Sr. was interviewed by Action News 5’s Jason Miles regarding’s report that there are a higher percentage of cheaters and extra-marital affairs in marriages with spouses or partners living in Collierville, Tennessee than any other Memphis, Tennessee area community.  Miles questioned the reliability of the data because of the financial interest the site has in the report.  But, Mason also commented that more affluent households may have more cheating because of the ability to communicate, free time and financial resources to dedicate to “extra-curricular activities.”

For more information about extramarital affairs and impact on divorces, see:

Memphis divorce attorney, Miles Mason, Sr., practices family law exclusively and is founder of the Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC. To learn more about parenting law and child custody modification, see Tennessee Parenting Plans and Child Support Worksheets: Building a Constructive Future for Your Family, by Miles Mason, Sr. To schedule your confidential consultationcall us today at (901) 683-1850.

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