Positive Pregnancy Tests Bought on Craig’s List to Trick Men to Marry

Memphis divorce lawyer Miles Mason, Sr. interviewed by Adam Hammond, WREG News Channel 3, Memphis, Tennessee, airing September 5, 2013.  Women could be committing serious crimes, like extortion, by buying positive pregnancy tests on Craig’s List online and using them to induce marriage proposals or false child support claims. Prices are as low as low as $25 a positive test result stick.  Memphis divorce attorney Miles Mason says that’s fraud.  “In my opinion, that type of evidence of a false pregnancy to induce marriage should result in an annulment,” said Mason.  An annulment cancels the marriage, like it never happened.  Mason says it’s legal to sell and purchase the stick.  “It’s the same thing as selling a used Q-tip. It may not be something you want, but there is someone who would buy it and there is nothing inherently wrong with selling a pregnancy test,” said Mason.

For more information about paternity fraud and child support, see:

Memphis divorce attorney, Miles Mason, Sr., practices family law exclusively and is founder of the Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC.  Buy The Tennessee Divorce Client’s Handbook: What Every Divorcing Spouse Needs to Know, available on Amazon and Kindle.  To schedule your confidential consultation, call us today at (901) 683-1850.

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