Tracking Digital Clues in a Divorce | WMC-TV Action News 5

Tracking Digital Clues in a Divorce.  Miles Mason, Sr. interviewed on WMC-TV Action News 5 by Kendall Kirkham. Aired Feb. 11, 2016 as part of a two part series. Miles Mason, Sr. is a Memphis divorce attorney who finds and uses evidence posted by opposing parties on Facebook and other social media. The first part of the story and text quotes Miles Mason, Sr. at “Facebook Infidelity: How social media is changing divorce.”

“It’s the most low-lying fruit,” Memphis divorce attorney Miles Mason said. “It’s the easiest thing to get evidence when it’s on our office’s desktop computer.”

Mason said he obtains evidence several ways, but the most common are reviewing public posts and getting a court order for private ones.

“Somewhere, some client’s spouse is putting information on Facebook or LinkedIn that is helpful to our case,” Mason said.

“Infidelity is usually not that hard to prove, unless people have gone to great lengths to lie about it and are very smart about it,” Mason said. “Which most people are not.”

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