Wife Put Husband Through Med School Gets $7.5K / Mo. Alimony
Tennessee alimony divorce case summary after 13 years married. Mihir Kishorchandra Patel v. Janki Anil Patel The husband and wife in this Madison County, Tennessee, case were married in India in 2005. The wife was an American citizen at the time of the wedding, and the couple moved to the United States, where the husband […]
Read More»Relocation Bonus Was Marital Since Decision to Move Made During Marriage
Kentucky case summary on property division, classification and relocation bonus in divorce. Craig Roper v. Erin Roper The husband and wife in this Kentucky case were married in 1999 and had four children. In 2016, the wife filed for dissolution of marriage. The case proved contentious, and in 2017, the husband asked for permission to […]
Read More»Unemployed Dad Imputed Income Over $400K For Child Support
- At January 27, 2020
- By Miles Mason
- In Income Determination
Massachussetts child support case summary on income determination. Theodore W. Macri, Jr., v. Sheila Mary Macri The husband and wife in this Massachusetts case were married in 1998 and originally lived in New York. The husband’s employer promoted him to a position in Singapore in 2000, and then to Hong Kong until 2011, at which […]
Read More»Dad Held in Contempt After Teen Daughter’s Dispute With Mom
Tennessee child custody case summary on after divorce. Cheryle Luane Levoy v. Jason Hunter Levoy The mother and father in this Overton County, Tennessee, case divorced in 2013. The parenting plan eventually named the mother the primary residential parent, with the father having 125 days per year of parenting time. A dispute arose when the […]
Read More»Divorcing NY Husband Must Pay Portion of Wife’s Student Loans
- At January 21, 2020
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Property Division
New York case summary on student loans in divorce. Joseph M. Santamaria v Toni Santamaria The husband and wife in this Suffolk County, New York, case were married in 2000 and had two children. The wife filed for divorce in 2013, and the trial court decided a number of issues involving custody, child support, maintenance, […]
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