Ex-Husband Gets Alimony Modification After Retirement Found Reasonable
Tennessee alimony modification case summary. Kim Covarrubias v. Gerald Edward Baker The husband and wife in this Knox County, Tennessee, case were divorced in 2007. In 2015, the husband moved to reduce his alimony. The trial court granted the request, but the Tennessee Court of Appeals reversed that decision. In 2021, the husband made another […]
Read More»Mom Loses Custody After New Stepdad Whips Girl With Belt
Tennessee child custody modification case summary. Joshua Aaron Bradley v. Jennifer Racheal Bradley (Odom) The parents in this Hickman County, Tennessee, case divorced in 2017. Under their agreed parenting plan, the mother was named primary residential parent, with the father having 148 days per year parenting time. Three years later, the father filed an emergency […]
Read More»My CPA Story: Why I Keep My License
- At December 22, 2023
- By Miles Mason
- In News
In 1990, I passed the CPA exam. This was following my older brothers, Patrick Mason, Esq., Frank Mason Sr., and my father, Jack Mason, who had his own CPA practice over 30 years in Memphis. With four years of accounting experience under my belt, I began law school. There I realized my unfair advantage against […]
Read More»Mom Guilty of Contempt for Discussing Custody With Kids
- At December 19, 2023
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Divorce Process
Tennessee case summary on divorce process. Dustin Balch v. Brittanie Cilley The two children in this Fentress County, Tennessee, juvenile court case were born in 2007 and 2009, and had most recently lived in Cumberland County. In February 2022, the Circuit Court heard an appeal of a Juvenile Court case involving a petition for dependency […]
Read More»Marriage Ends After Airplane Passenger Sees Dad’s Text to Paramour and Alerts Daughter
Tennessee alimony divorce case summary after 28 years married. Raymond D. Barnes, Jr., v. Marion L. Barnes The husband and wife in this Davidson County, Tennessee, case were married in 1991 with little wealth, but by the time of their divorce in 2019, their assets were worth over $12 million. The wife had worked as […]
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