What are my rights as a father in a Tennessee child custody case?
- At January 17, 2013
- By Miles Mason
- In Child Custody
What are my rights as a father in a Tennessee child custody case?
Have questions about a father’s rights? Child custody laws are based on equal treatment of both parents, but even more than that, they consider what is best for the child. A family law attorney in Memphis can help if you are facing such issues in your divorce.
Fathers with Custodial Rights
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2009 there were nearly 2.5 million custodial fathers compared to more than 11 million custodial mothers. While the numbers indicate a significant gap, they also demonstrate that it is possible for fathers to obtain custody of their children.
Fighting for child custody comes down to recognizing and demonstrating what would be in the child’s best interests. In doing this, your family law attorney in Memphis will review the different issues that the court considers in arriving at its decision.
Factors that Impact Child Custody
The court will consider a number of factors to determine the best interests of the child. Child custody laws are based on the following points, among others:
- exposure to others who may live with the parent or visit;
- past violence or abuse;
- preference of child (if older than 12); and
- parenting skills.
These are just some of the considerations made when deciding how custody will be worked out. In some cases, parents may share custody in what is called joint physical custody. In many cases, joint legal custody is awarded regardless of the physical custody arrangement, allowing both parents to have a say in important issues affecting the child.
For more information, read Memphis, Tennessee Fathers’ Rights and Tennessee Child Custody Laws in Divorce Answers to FAQs.
Help with Fathers’ Rights Child Custody Laws
When children are involved in a divorce, it can elevate stress and conflict. Although it’s important that the rights of both parents are protected, what is even more important is what is best for the child who is at the center of a custody dispute.
With so many complexities surrounding child custody, you should consult an attorney at the Miles Mason Family Law Group. If going through divorce, take advantage of our FREE eBook, which can help answer many of your questions. Call us today at 1-901-683-1850 to set up your appointment with a family law attorney in Memphis to review fathers’ rights according to child custody laws.