Tennessee Child Support Guidelines

Tennessee Child Support Guidelines are rules promulgated by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS).

Tennessee Child Support Guidelines

Tennessee Child Support Guidelines

Tennessee Child Support Guidelines

The Tennessee Child Support Guidelines themselves are creatures of Federal and State Legal Requirements for the Establishment and Application of Child Support.  Title IV-D of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 651-669), requires that states establish guidelines for setting and modifying child support award amounts in each state. Tennessee Code Annotated §§ 36-5-101(e), 71-1-105(15), and 71-1-132 implement these requirements and direct the Tennessee Department of Human Services to establish those guidelines to enforce the provisions of federal law.

Update: Last update referenced here, Oct. 2021.  Expect updates.  Always double check to make sure you have the most current version of Tennessee’s Child Support Guidelines.  To do that, check the Tennessee Department of Human Services Child Support page.

The Department of Human Services promulgates the Child Support Guidelines to be used in setting awards of child support.  The Child Support Guidelines must be made available to all persons in the state whose duty it is to set or modify child support award amounts in all child support cases.

The Tennessee Child Support Guidelines must be applied by all state courts and administrative tribunals and other officials of the state, who have power to determine child support awards in the state as a rebuttable resumption as to the amount of child support to be awarded in child support cases and result in a presumptively correct child support award.

The Tennessee Child Support Guidelines must take into consideration all earnings and income of both parents, be based on specific descriptive and numeric criteria and result in the computation of the child support obligation; and provide for the child’s health care needs through health insurance coverage.  View and download the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines.

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