Memphis Divorce Recovery Classes | Getting Over Your Ex and Moving On
- At March 05, 2014
- By Miles Mason
- In After Divorce, Divorce, Home, Pre-divorce Planning
Have you considered joining a Memphis divorce recovery class or group? Every spouse or ex-spouse should at least think about participating in some type of Tennessee divorce recovery class, group, or program. Why? Because life after divorce is quite different than life while married, and the transition from one world to the next is seldom an easy one.

Divorce recovery can help you move on with your life
Almost every divorce will have a significant impact on some aspect of the spouse’s lifestyle; it is often a disruptive force. Following your divorce, you might experience minor or major fluctuations with your finances, social circles, relationships with your children, and employment opportunities, and a change in where you reside. You may be carrying painful emotional baggage as well, something that can slow you down, interfere with your decision-making, and wear you out over time.
Is Joining a Memphis Divorce Recovery Class or Group for You?
You could improve your ability to anticipate and cope with change and the strong emotions that typically accompany divorce (for example, following a heated child custody contest). How? By meeting individually with a divorce counselor or by joining a divorce recovery group, one guided by a counselor, pastor, or mental health practitioner. Divorce counseling can help you avoid common pitfalls, parenting time missteps, and wasted efforts.
There are many divorce recovery groups out there, so shop around. Find a time, place, and group that makes you feel comfortable. And if you are not a group kinda’ person, consider meeting privately with a divorce counselor or therapist.
Memphis Divorce Recovery Classes and Groups Websites
As a service to my readers, here are some divorce recovery websites that could be helpful. This is not an endorsement, however, and neither I nor the Miles Mason Family Law Group receives any sort of benefit from these organizations.
Hope Presbyterian Church
Divorce Care
Second Presbyterian Church
Are you a Memphis divorce recovery class or group provider? Any other divorce recovery providers are welcome to send me your web addresses, too, for possible inclusion in future pages.
Why Divorce Recovery?
Divorce recovery is all about getting over your ex and moving on with your life. The adage “time heals all wounds” is largely true, but why not take action to speed up the healing process? Learn how to take small steps when dealing with big changes, such as forgiveness and relating to your ex, improving self-image, handling parenting time and visitation, how to make new friends and develop relationships, and how to go about starting over. Many divorce recovery programs include informational materials to help participants overcome personal barriers, anxieties, and fears – a big step in getting on with a new life.
If you are not wholly comfortable with your circumstances since the marriage fell apart, joining a divorce recovery group could help you on many levels. And if you are perfectly content with your present situation, group therapy may still help you learn techniques that enhance your sense of self-worth and improve your independence. Techniques that can help you captain your vessel through rough waters and stay on course, before, during, and after the divorce.
Be Careful! Do Not Disclose Divorce Litigation Strategy in Public
As helpful as joining a recovery group can be, do exercise restraint when it comes to disclosing your divorce litigation strategy in public. You may be convinced that your personal details could never get back to your spouse (or your spouse’s attorney), but you can never be certain who knows whom in the group or where the information will end up. (That is especially true with Twitter, Facebook, and ubiquitous social media.)
Learn what you can, but stop short of providing any details or information regarding your ongoing family law case. Exercise caution when talking about what you are going through. Do not be specific. Speak only in general terms to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of communications between you and your divorce lawyer.
Opportunities for a Happier Life
Whether you expect life to change very little after the divorce is final or whether you anticipate an upheaval on all fronts, do not be afraid to seek divorce support. Participating in a divorce recovery program can help you get beyond the end of your marriage, opening your eyes and emotions to a better future with greater opportunities for a happier life.
Memphis TN Divorce Recovery Classes and Groups
The Miles Mason Family Law Group handles Tennessee divorce, child support, alimony, child custody, and parent relocation. Download our free e-Book, Your First Steps: 7 Steps Planning Your Tennessee Divorce. A Memphis divorce lawyer from the Miles Mason Family Law Group can help. To schedule your confidential consultation, call us today at (901) 683-1850.