Divorce Decree Modification in Tennessee
After your divorce has been finalized, circumstances in your or your ex-spouse’s life may have changed. To file a motion for divorce decree modification in Tennessee, it’s best to consult a divorce lawyer. Understanding the Divorce Decree The divorce decree, as your divorce lawyer will explain, is the final court order by which you and […]
Read More»TN Attorney Seeking Lower Alimony Found Underemployed
- At May 10, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Alimony Modification
Case summary on Tennessee alimony law modification, lower alimony, voluntary underemployment, and income determination in Tennessee divorce and family law. Barbara Jean Hooper Flynn v. Robert Dean Flynn In the case of Barbara Jean Hooper Flynn, Ms. Flynn and previous husband Robert Dean Flynn, Mr. Flynn, the appeals court was requested to determine if the husband […]
Read More»Discover Hidden Assets Uncover Hidden Income in Tennessee Divorce
Forensic accountants help discover hidden assets and uncover hidden income in Tennessee divorce for divorcing spouses and their lawyers. As the forensic accountant works a divorce case, they can perform many tasks and functions. Without being instructed, forensic accountants know to look for hidden assets and undisclosed income. Here is a complete discussion of services forensic accountants can perform […]
Read More»Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step Guide by Tracy L. Coenen
Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step Guide by Tracy L. Coenen | Book Review Recommended by Miles Mason, Sr. JD, CPA As a practicing attorney and CPA, I litigate cases requiring financial investigations. I have also taught many forensic accountants in various seminars across the country. I learned a lot from Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step […]
Read More»Uncovering Hidden Income in Tennessee Divorce by Imputing Income
- At April 01, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Alimony, Child Support, Divorce, Forensic Accounting, Home
Uncovering Hidden Income in Tennessee Divorce by Imputing Income. In Tennessee divorces, uncovering hidden income can include imputing income with the assistance of a forensic accountant in child support and alimony issues. Uncovering Hidden Income in Tennessee Divorce by Imputing Income Clients usually know right off the bat when income determination is going to be an […]
Read More»Strategic Use of Vocational Experts in Divorce Cases
- At March 27, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Alimony, Divorce, Home
Tennessee alimony divorce cases benefit from use of a vocational expert to prove ability to earn income with some retraining or education. Vocational expert witness testimony can provide evidence of a spouse’s earning capacity in Tennessee alimony cases. In divorce proceedings, the spouse earning the most money at the time of the divorce is considered the “advantaged” […]
Read More»17 yr TN marriage alimony in futuro reduced to 10 yrs
Appeal following Tennessee divorce trial of marriage lasting 17 years. Husband is a lawyer. This appeal arises from the divorce of Sarah C. Jannerbo (“Wife”) and E. Mattias Jannerbo (“Husband”). Wife sued Husband for divorce in the Circuit Court for Hamilton County (“the Trial Court”). The Trial Court granted the parties a divorce. Following a […]
Read More»How to Prove a Spouse is Hiding Income in Tennessee Divorce, Alimony, and Child Support Cases
- At March 11, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Alimony, Child Support, Divorce, Forensic Accounting, Home
Is your spouse hiding income? In Tennessee divorce cases, how much does your spouse earn? One of the first and most important steps can be using a forensic accountant to compare claimed income and documented income in Tennessee family law for divorces, alimony, and child support cases. Finding documented income is important. There are several […]
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