Does Child Support Continue Through College in Tennessee?
- At March 12, 2014
- By Miles Mason
- In Child Support, Home
Understandably, with a pending Tennessee divorce or legal separation involving minor children, parents want to know if child support will continue through college. My answer is “Yes” and “No.” Every calculation of child support begins with application of the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines to the income facts of the case. The guidelines are used to […]
Read More»At What Age Does Child Support Stop in Tennessee?
- At February 19, 2014
- By Miles Mason
- In Child Support
Every party in a divorce, legal separation, or family law case involving minor children should prepare for Tennessee child support orders. All children have the right to be supported by both parents. The question, though, is at what age those payments will stop. Check out Tennessee family law attorney Miles Mason, Sr., discussing this very […]
Read More»TN Dad Liable for College Expenses, Despite Lack of College Choice
- At January 28, 2014
- By Miles Mason
- In After Divorce, Child Support, Divorce
Tennessee law case summary on college expenses in divorce and family law from the Court of Appeals. Nancy Parson Hill (Bowron) v. Mark David Hill – Tennessee divorce college expenses. The mother and father of three daughters were divorced in 2003. Knowing that the daughters would be attending college, they addressed college expenses in their […]
Read More»No Contempt When TN Father Pays Child Support Based on Modified Order
Tennessee law case summary on child support in divorce and family law from the Court of Appeals. Penelope Lynne Allen v. Gordon Carmack Allen – Tennessee divorce and child support law The father and mother were divorced in 2001 and were the parents of one four-year-old child. The mother was named the primary residential parent, […]
Read More»When Spouses Hide Small Business Income in Tennessee Divorce
When Tennessee divorce shifts from possibility to probability, some small business owners may attempt to skirt the truth about their income. There are many reasons why a person might attempt this, none of which are honest and all of which point toward gaining an unfair financial advantage over the other spouse. It’s All Part of […]
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