Is no longer being attracted to my spouse grounds for Tennessee divorce?
- At July 02, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce
A divorce case may be valid in the state of Tennessee when a husband or wife is no longer attracted to his or her spouse. A Memphis divorce lawyer can explain in more detail, but the state allows for irreconcilable differences, and your divorce case may fall under these grounds. Several other reasons a spouse […]
Read More»Common Legal Separation Myths in Tennessee
- At July 02, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Legal Separation
If you are contemplating divorce, it may seem to make sense to first go through a legal separation. However, there can be pros and cons to this, which a Memphis divorce lawyer can explain. One of the common myths that individuals have about legal separation is that it’s necessary before you proceed with a divorce. […]
Read More»$200,000 Alimony In Solido Upheld After 27 Yr Marriage in TN Divorce
Tennessee law case summary on alimony in solido following 27 year marriage in Tennessee divorce and family law from the Tennessee Court of Appeals. Kenneth A. Ritchie v. Elizabeth Widmaier Pew Ritchie – Tennessee Alimony: 27 year marriage The marriage of Kenneth A. Ritchie and Elizabeth Widmaier Pew Ritchie lasted 25 years. The husband sued the wife for […]
Read More»10 Tennessee Divorce Myths
- At June 15, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Home, Pre-divorce Planning
Whether you are considering or planning a divorce, you are bound to hear lots of opinions on what you can expect to happen. However, there are some divorce myths that you should be aware of ahead of time. When you have legal questions surrounding divorce law or any other aspect of this difficult decision, contact […]
Read More»5 Tips for Dealing with Depression After Tennessee Divorce
- At June 11, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In After Divorce, Divorce Tips
Depression after divorce is normal. Memphis divorce lawyers have seen their clients struggle with depression after divorce and offer 5 tips regarding moving past the blues to get on with your life. After all, your life has completely changed. Although it may be for the better, mourning the loss of your marriage and your expectations […]
Read More»Valuation & Division of Accounting & CPA Firms in Tennessee Divorce
When Certified Public Accountants Divorce: Valuation & Division of Accounting & CPA Firms in Tennessee Divorce. Spouses of divorcing CPA’s will needs an expert witness to value the accounting firm and deal with goodwill issues. An accounting practice is often considered marital property when two parties divorce, which makes its value subject to division between […]
Read More»5 Questions to Ask Memphis Divorce Lawyers Before Hiring
- At June 04, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce
When you choose a spouse, you hope your wedding vows will stay true till the end. But often what was once a blissful marriage gradually changes into an unfulfilling union. Under these circumstances, you may want to file a divorce case with the help of a Memphis divorce lawyer. Besides mourning the conclusion of this […]
Read More»Divorce vs. Legal Separation in Tennessee
- At May 29, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce, Legal Separation
What are the differences between Tennessee legal separation and Tennessee divorce? A divorce is the dissolution of a state-recognized marriage; it effectively ends the marriage and divvies up any of the couple’s assets, properties, and finances. A legal separation is a court-ordered separation period; the couple’s marriage contract remains intact; however, the two spouses live […]
Read More»TN Wife’s Post-separation Income Included for 17 Yr Marriage
Case summary on Tennessee alimony law in Tennessee divorce and family law from Tennessee Court of Appeals. Patricia Carlene Mayfield v. Phillip Harold Mayfield – Tennessee Alimony Law Appeal In the case of Patricia Carlene Mayfield, the wife, and Phillip Harold Mayfield, the husband, the court awarded custody of both children to the wife while dividing marital property […]
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