Filing Divorce in Tipton County, Tennessee
Filing for divorce and how much it costs to file a divorce in Tipton Co., Tennessee including residents of Covington, Munford, Atoka, Brighton, and Mason.

How to File a Divorce in Tipton County TN – Justice Building
How to File a Divorce in Tipton County, Tennessee
To file a divorce action in Tipton County, Tennessee, the following documents need to be prepared:
● Complaint for Divorce
● Notice of Mandatory Injunctions
● Confidential Information of the Parties
● Summons
● Divorce Certificate
These are known as the “initial filings.” State approved forms for the initial filings may be found online at: The “Request for Divorce,” “Spouses’ Personal Information,” and “Restraining Order for Divorcing Spouses” forms found online are simpler versions of the Complaint, Notice of Mandatory Injunctions, and Confidential Information forms typically filed by attorneys. The Summons and the Certificate for Divorce forms may be prepared at the Tipton County Chancery Court Clerk and Master’s office when submitting the initial filings.
After preparing the initial filings, take the original, as well as several copies of the Complaint and other initial filings, to the filing counter at the Tipton County Justice Building. The deputy clerk will file the original documents and stamp the additional copies and return them to you. Filing fees will be assessed.
How much does is cost to file for divorce in Tipton County, Tennessee?
As of January 2020, the Tipton County filing fees for a divorce are $247.00 if there are children, and $172.00 if not. An additional $42.00 will be assessed to have the divorce served by serve the Tipton County sheriff’s Department. You may also use a private process server to serve the documents instead.
Where is the Tipton County, TN Justice Building and Tipton County Chancery Court Clerk and Master’s Office located?
The link, address and phone number is as follows:
Tipton County Chancery Court Clerk & Master
1801 South College Street, Suite 110
Covington, TN 38019
Google Map: Tipton County Justice Building and Tipton County Chancery Court Offices
Who is the Tipton County Chancery Court Clerk and Master?
Virginia Gray is the Clerk and Master.
Tips from the Clerk’s office:
- Make sure with parenting plans that wage assignment information is correct.
- Completely fill out Marital Dissolution Agreements.
- Be sure to disclose real estate and other substantial property.
- If you have children, pay the extra fee.
Approved Parenting Classes in Tipton County, Tennessee:
Note: List current as of January 2021. All information contained here may change over time. Please confirm class qualifies with Fayette County Clerk and Master’s office. Confirm dates, times, and all other information with presenters directly.
(Formerly and
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Fee: No Cost
Offering Virtual Workshop Parenting Classes
References, Resources and More:
- Tipton County, TN Chancery Court – Street View Google maps (same location as General Sessions courts)
- Tennessee Divorce Laws
- The Tennessee Divorce Process: How Divorces Work Start to Finish
- Tennessee Divorce Laws FAQs | Filing for Divorce in Tennessee & Forms
- Your First Steps: 7 Steps Planning Your Tennessee Divorce | Free eBook