Tennessee Paternity Fraud | Child Support Owed After Negative DNA Test

Tennessee paternity fraud law can be very confusing, aggravating and possibly disturbing.

Airing May 2, 2103, WREG’s Stephanie Scurlock interviewed Miles Mason, Sr. about Tennessee child support laws and paternity fraud in her story, “Forced To Pay Even Though You’re Not The Daddy.”  A child support obligation ordered by a Tennessee child support court order cannot be modified 30 days after each month’s child support is due because the child support obligation becomes a legally enforceable judgment each month as it is due.  Therefore, a man ordered to pay child support can owe a child support arrearage even after a DNA test conclusively shows the child support payor is not the father.

For more information on Tennessee child support law, see:

Memphis divorce attorney, Miles Mason, Sr., practices family law exclusively and is founder of the Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC.  Buy The Tennessee Divorce Client’s Handbook: What Every Divorcing Spouse Needs to Know, available on Amazon and Kindle.  To schedule your confidential consultation, call us today at (901) 683-1850.

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