Avoiding Common Tennessee Divorce Mistakes
- At April 20, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce Tips
No matter what type of divorce you are seeking, there are many Tennessee divorce issues you may run into that can cost you time, money and emotional damage. No one wants to drag out the divorce process, which is why many people seeking a divorce turn to the help of an experienced divorce lawyer to […]
Read More»Valuing a Doctor’s Medical Practice Under Tennessee Divorce Law
Valuation of a doctor’s medical practice requires a business appraiser or business valuation expert witness and knowledge of Tennessee divorce law regarding the particular type of professional practice. The value of a doctor’s medical practice can be determined and divided in Tennessee divorce. In Tennessee divorce law, a doctor’s spouse has the burden of proving […]
Read More»When Tennessee Doctors Divorce: Medical Practices Divided
In Tennessee divorce and property division law, medical practices can be divided as marital property. Dividing value of a doctor’s medical practice in Tennessee divorce begins with hiring a professional practice valuation expert. Large sums of money are typically at issue when a couple files for divorce and one of the parties owns a medical […]
Read More»Filing an Uncontested Divorce in Tennessee
- At April 16, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Divorce
There are 2 common categories of divorce: contested and uncontested. An uncontested divorce is often the simpler of the 2, but that doesn’t mean that the process may be any less stressful without professional help with family law in Tennessee. Our attorneys want you to be informed about your options and the process of settling […]
Read More»Why do I need to hire a Tennessee divorce attorney?
There is a lot at stake when you file for divorce in Tennessee. Divorce lawsuits can become quite complex when they involve child custody/support, asset distribution and financial matters. To protect your best interests and those of your family, you should consider working with a divorce attorney. When your petition for divorce is contested, you’ll […]
Read More»Fault and No-Fault Based Grounds in Tennessee Divorce
- At April 12, 2012
- By Miles Mason
- In Pre-divorce Planning
Making the decision of getting a divorce in Memphis can be an emotional rollercoaster without the right information and support. Friends and family can help you emotionally, but it may take a professional Tennessee divorce attorney to help you on the legal side of filing for divorce. Understanding the Tennessee Divorce Laws To file for […]
Read More»Discover Hidden Assets Uncover Hidden Income in Tennessee Divorce
Forensic accountants help discover hidden assets and uncover hidden income in Tennessee divorce for divorcing spouses and their lawyers. As the forensic accountant works a divorce case, they can perform many tasks and functions. Without being instructed, forensic accountants know to look for hidden assets and undisclosed income. Here is a complete discussion of services forensic accountants can perform […]
Read More»Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step Guide by Tracy L. Coenen
Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step Guide by Tracy L. Coenen | Book Review Recommended by Miles Mason, Sr. JD, CPA As a practicing attorney and CPA, I litigate cases requiring financial investigations. I have also taught many forensic accountants in various seminars across the country. I learned a lot from Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step […]
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